Logo Get your QuickDisc!

To get your own QuickDisc, you have to download the file disc.pdf (76KB) , open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader and print it.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/

• When using Netscape Navigator, you have to click on the link below using the right mouse button , and choose Save Link As... to save the file on your harddisk.

• When using Microsoft Internet Explorer you also have to right-click on the link, but then choose Save Target As..., to save the file.


disc.pdf (143KB) 
or the zipped pdf file 

• If you are a UNIX user you can download a gnu-zipped Postscript version of the QuickDisc disc_ps.gz

• As Acrobat plugins for Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer are available, it is possible to view the disc.pdf file from within the Web-Browser. Be aware, that you have to use the Print button in the Acrobat toolbar, rather than using the browsers Print menu item for best results!

• The last step is to glue the QuickDisc printout on cardboard and cut the QuickDisc and the measuring strip out along the borders. Ready! The instructions for the use of QuickDisc are available in the manual.

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The QuickDisc project is © Philipp Salzgeber