Clavius, Gassendi and more


23rd October 2015

127mm f/8 AP refractor, Televue 3x Barlow, QHY5L-II color CMOS camera, stacked in Autostakkert, processing in Photoshop.


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From Clavius to Schiller

This is a two-frame mosaic taken with a DMK21 camera and an Astro-Professional 80mm ED refractor:

The very obvious crater in the middle of the mosaic is Tycho, it is relatively young and therefore the ejecta rays can still be seen brightly across the lunar landscape. Please note the dark area directly around Tycho which is also caused by ejecta of the impact.
To the lower right is the beautiful crater Clavius which has a nice curve of smaller craters on the floor. To the lower left you can see the very elongated crater Schiller which was produced by an oblique impact. Read More

Gassendi, Clavius & Schiller

After showing Venus, M45, M42, Saturn and the moon to my in-laws I stayed on the roof for a little longer and took some AVIs using our club’s new DMK camera. I used my 150mm f/5 Newtonian telescope with a 2x barlow and a 90° prism (this gives about 2,7x). Again I had big troubles focusing because of my wobbly Super-Polaris mount.

Crater Gassendi and Mare Humorum:

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