The Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák is passing through the constellation Ursa Major these nights.

66×30″, ISO1600, 300mm f/4, Nikon D750, Skywatcher Star Adventurer, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop, Lightroom.
The Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák is passing through the constellation Ursa Major these nights.
66×30″, ISO1600, 300mm f/4, Nikon D750, Skywatcher Star Adventurer, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop, Lightroom.
It looks as if 2013 will be a good year for comets. This spring Comet Panstarrs is visible in the darkening sky after Sunset and in December comet ISON should put up an even more impressive show.