Aristarchus is the very bright crater near the center of above image. You can see the winding Schröter Valley next to it.
Around the valley is a slightly brown colored area, called the Aristarchus Plateau.
Comet Holmes – Evolution of a comet outburst
Comet Holmes – again
Comet 17/P Holmes
Comet 17/P Holmes
Planetary Nebula M27
Daylight Comet: C/2006 P1 McNaught
Comet C/2006 P1 McNaught
On Saturday, January 13th I noticed that the sky was very transparent and thought it might be worth taking an image of the comet in broad daylight.I was excited when I was able to to see the comet with small binoculars and then also with the naked eye at noon. (My wife saw it first without optical aid.)A bunch of neighbours and some other persons walking by did also see it with the 80mm refractor, some small binoculars and with the naked eye. |