Comet Lulin C/2007 N3


After an evening of testing our club’s new DMK21AU04.AS camera in Manfred Böhler’s observaory, I set up my equipment at home to use the clear sky to do another picture of comet Lulin before the clouds and the moon spoil the show:

Comet Lulin

Telescope: 150mm f/5 Newtonian
Camera Nikon D200
Exposure: 6x60s, ISO 800
Date: 2009-03-01 ~02:28 UT
Processing: Preprocessing (Dark correction), Alignment & stacking in IRIS, histogram adjustment curves, color correction in Photoshop. An image that was registered on the stars was combined with an image that was registered on the comet nucleus were combined to create the image above.

This is an animation created from the 6 individual images used for the composite above, it shows the movement of the comet agains the background stars:


After waiting in vain the whole evening for the sky to clear, I went to bed. But I was not sleeping too well, and when I awoke at 03:00 am, I saw some starst through our bedroom window. I grabbed my 15×50 binoculars and easily found Comet Lulin below the constellation of Leo, with the 15×50 the tail was easily visible, even through the suburban sky that I have at home.

I managed to get myself dressed and set up the Super Polaris mount on our roof, and managed to get the following images. I stopped imaging when clouds rolled in. At 4:30 I was back in bed, only to get up for real at 06:00 – yawn!

Lens: Nikon 70-210mm f/4 @f/5.6
Camera Nikon D200
Exposure: 10x60s, ISO 800
Date: 26th, February 2009 ~03:00 UT
Processing: Preprocessing (Dark, Flat & Bias correction), Alignment & stacking in IRIS, histogram adjustment curves, color correction in Photoshop.

If you move the mouse over the image you will see an annotated version with some stars identified.

Lens: Nikon 85mm f/1.8 AF @ f/4
Camera Nikon D200
Exposure: 10x60s, ISO 800
Date: 26th, February 2009 ~02:30 UT
Processing: Preprocessing (Dark, Flat & Bias correction), Alignment & stacking in IRIS, histogram adjustment curves, color correction in Photoshop.
This entry was posted in comets.

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