This december Jupiter and Saturns position in the sky are very close. This is a very rare event. I hiked above the fog to capture it before clouds rolled in for the next few days.

This december Jupiter and Saturns position in the sky are very close. This is a very rare event. I hiked above the fog to capture it before clouds rolled in for the next few days.
When my wife noticed the beautiful thin crescent moon in a gap in the clouds I rushed to the deck on our roof, to take a picture of the conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter. At first I went bare-footed, but after a few seconds I couldn’t stand the snow under my bare soles, and put on some slippers. But I was still only wearing my sleeping attire, boxer shorts and a worn-out T-shirt. Temperature was -5°C.
Read MoreToday I pointed the 20cm Newtonian telescope again towards the moon. Shortly after first quarter quite a few nice landscapes are visible.
All images were captured as 120s AVI files using a 3x Barlow lens and the QHY5IIc camera.
Jupiter gets lower and lower each night, while Saturn is nearing Opposition.
Processed with Autostakkert (Stacking) , Registax (Wavelet Sharpening), Fitswork (de-noise and iterative Gauss sharpenging) and Photoshop (Color and Gamma adjustment).
Due to a cold front that just had passed earlier today, the air was quite unstable. Therefore today’s shots turned out quite unsharp.
Astro-Physics 127mm f/8, 2x Vixen Barlow, QHY5L-IIc camera. Read More