The full moon sets behind a layer of clouds
The region around the bright crater Aristarchus is a favorite part of the moon for me.
This is a detail from the image below, the terracing on the inside of bright Aristarchus is sligthly visible. The Schröter Valley is a channel created by lava flows.
Shortly after the first quarter the crater Clavius begins to emerge from the shadows:
In preparation for an upcoming trip I am doing some equipment tests to prepare for the opportunity to observe from a dark sky.
It turns out even with the very rough polar alignment that is possible with the built-in peephole of the Polaire tracking mount 30 second exposures are possible with 180mm focal length on an APS-C camera:
3 x 30s – f/4 – ISO 1600, no darks, no flats, stacked with DeepSky Stacker, Nikon AF Nikkor 180mm f/2.8, Nikon D7000
This is the ful frame:
detail of the image above: Read More
Last week a group of students from London discoverd a Supernova in the nearby galaxy M82 (in this case, nearby means 12 million lightyears…)
Professional search programs missed the supernova as the automatic detection programs ruled it out because it was too bright. M82 is part of the bright M81 & M82 galaxy pair.
Today I had the chance to take a picture of it:
A partial mosaic of the lunar terminator:
I absolutely love to take pictures of insects and other small critters…:
Last November the low autumn sun created a spectacular rainbow: