Jupiter is near opposition this April, here is the view from April 9th:
Author Archives: philipp
Big Sunspots AR2644 & AR2645
Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák, 25.3.2017
The Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák is passing through the constellation Ursa Major these nights.

66×30″, ISO1600, 300mm f/4, Nikon D750, Skywatcher Star Adventurer, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop, Lightroom.
Venus at 4%
Today Venus was a very delicate crescent, with only about 4% of it’s visible disc illuminated by the sun. I used the 127mm f/8 refractor with a 1.4x teleconverter and took a number of images using the Nikon D750. 20% of 46 individual images were used to create this image using the software Autostakkert:
Testing a new guiding setup
This evening I did a quick test under the stars to see, how iAstroHub 3.0 works with my setup.
Apparently it works quite well, though I need to test with longer exposures.
The sun 2017-01-28
Taurus Molecular Cloud
Inspite of all the beautiful stars, I have a fascination for the dark stuff lurking between them Today I managed to get almost an hour of exposures of the Taurus molecular cloud,
Milky Way above light pollution
Giant Sunspot AR2456
These days the large sunspot AR2456 is very prominent on the sun’s disc:

Mercury Transit 2016
Today the tiny disc of mercury crossed in front of the sun. The weather didn’t cooperate fully, and I had to switch mounts as the Meade randomly stopped tracking in RA, and the WiFi router for the roof didn’t work as expected and tested… but I was still able to get some decent images… Read More