Last night at 1:15 A.M. I decided, that I cannot let this beautifully clear night pass without some astrophotography. I drove up to Farnach, which is only 7.5km away, but provides some nice dark skies above the brightly lit Rhine Valley.
I set up the Vixen Polarie and took pictures using 20mm, 85mm and 300mm lenses.
The summer milky way and the multitude of nebula and clusters hidden in it, never cease to impress me. When I went to bed some hours later, dawn was already breaking.

Crop of the region around Messier 8, the Lagoon Nebula. 40x15s, Nikon 300mm PF, ISO 6400. Nikon D750 on Vixen Polarie

Region around Messier 8, the Lagoon Nebula. 40x15s, Nikon 300mm PF, ISO 6400. Nikon D750 on Vixen Polarie

Crop of the M16 and M17 picture, showing M17, the Swan nebula. 40x15s, Nikon 300mm PF, ISO 6400. Nikon D750 on Vixen Polarie

Crop of the M16 and M17 picture, showing M16, the Eagle nebula. The pillars of creation as known from the Hubble image are visible. 40x15s, Nikon 300mm PF, ISO 6400. Nikon D750 on Vixen Polarie

Crop of the M16 and M17 picture, showing M16 and M17. 40x15s, Nikon 300mm PF, ISO 6400. Nikon D750 on Vixen Polarie
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