Even when the moon is almost full (95% in this case) there are interesting features to be found near the terminator:
Aristarchus is a young, and therefore very bright crater. Next to it is the Schroeter Valley, a rille, probably created by flowing lava.
Hainzl (top left) and Schiller (lower right) are very unusually shaped craters.
Aristarchus and Schroeter Valley lie on a slightly elevated diamond shaped piece of terrain. In this color enhanced image you see a brownish tint in comparison to the surrounding mare material.
Reiner Gamma is an enigmatic bright swirl on the lunar surface.
At lower left Mons Ruemker is seen as a slight bump on the plain of the mare. Apparently it is a lunar shield volcano.
Wargentin is the crater at lower right that has filled up with lava right up to the brim.
In this mosaic you can see the relative location of Wargentin, Hainzl and Schiller.
AP 127mm f/8 refractor, Televue 3x Barlow lens, QHY5L-II planetary camers. 90 and 60 second videos were recorded at full resolution. Debayering and stacking in Autostakkert using 20% of the frames. Final processing and sharpening in Photoshop.