The 20cm Newtonian telescope in combination with the Televue 3x Barlow show a wealth of detail on the moon.
The three craters Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina show various stages of crater degradation.
Rupes Altai, a mountain range defining the edge of the Mare Nectaris.
Crater Bürg with Rima Bürg, and Rima Danielli faintly visible at bottom.
Crater Posidonius with it’s very complex floor. Rima Danellis see faintly seen to the upper left.
Crater Democritos is at center, Arnold to the upper left,
Craters Sabine, Ritter, with Rima Ritter in the upper left, center is Rima Hypatia above the crater Delambre with the floor still in shadow.